Need advice.
Just went back to work and my breastfed 5 almost 6 month old wont take the bottle of breast milk and cries for me all day. How can I help him?
@ctrldinsanity Somtimes not much you can really do at times. I mean you gotta go to work. Has any older siblings try calming him down and such I know it worked for my 3 yr old when he was Lil but that only works for so long.
Also, from 5-9 is his “witching hour”
He has acid reflux but that’s improved GREATLY since when he was first diagnosed. And as far as gas, he’s figured out how to get that out pretty good lol he is teething, but I give him Tylenol before I go and numb his gums provide a teething blanket and prefill a syringe with more Tylenol to be given at 7. I cut the normal dose in 1/2.
I have no other ideas lol I need help
@suzzie., yes they most certainly do lol
I’ve started him on solid foods, mostly squash or sweet potatoes as those are his favorites. And he does really well so I know it’s not cause he’s starving.
I think it’s just emotional well being. Separation anxiety.
He loves! when he’s spoken to even if it’s nothing about him. Like when I’m making the bed and cleaning etc.
I think a lot of it could be due to the fact that I’m calm when I feed him even with the bottle, whereas I get the feeling there’s resentment towards me when his “sitter” cares for him. Like he feels the negative emotions. Am I making any sense?
Just continue to do that even if you just put very lil milk in it it will help him get used to the bottle. I only did 1-2 oz than I nursed of baby wanted more of not I just pumped when I was done
@suzzie., yep.
He will take a bottle from me, but only for a tablespoon or so, no one else.
Usually he’s pretty hungry every 1 1/2 - 2 hours. It’s been like that since he was 2 months.
@mamabearcait, alright
I can try’s my mom who is the caretaker while I’m at work for 5-6 hours and 12 once in awhile.
I don’t think she wants to watch my kids anymore so stressing about finding a sitter for them.