Happy New Year to all the mommys and mommys to be. I hope you all had a wonderful time.
I was wondering whether you had a very low immune system while pregnant? Since week 12-13 I’ve been getting one cold after another, and now down with one again. I am taking the pregnancy care vitamins and eating healthily, maybe the 70mg of vitamin C in those vitamins is not enough and I should be taking more? I’m so tired physically and mentally of being ill :(
@natajames I had a horrid chest infection and she wasn't concerned. All I got told was to keep taking my vitamins and inhalers. Have you had your flu jab? X
@emilyjayne27, I mentioned to my GP but she only said that there’s a cold lasting 2-3 weeks going round and that while pregnant immune system is weak, at 16w appointment with midwife she rushed things so I didn’t ask, at that time I was over the first cold. What did you midwife/GP advise?
I just feel like I should stay at home and not come outside, but even then I could get something from my husband 😩