And personally I do feel like it’s a human rights violation. You’re not allowed to cut off your baby’s fingernails just cause they might not clean under them well enough, you’re not allowed to cut off your baby’s ears just cause they might not clean behind them. You’re not allowed to remove your daughters breast buds because she might get breast cancer later in life. And you can’t get your son a nose job so his nose matches his dad’s. Unless it’s a life saving procedure, my children won’t undergo surgical procedures they can’t consent to that are excruciatingly painful and that might negatively impact their sex lives in the future.
@rikki.ferguson, that information is false according to hundreds of newer studies. @mariemaverick, my son is not circumcised. He’s the only boy in both sides of the family to be left uncut and the only one without penis issues. My SO lost 80% of the sensation in his penis due to his circ. His son from a previous relationship has a buried penis due to his circ and likely won’t be able to penetrate a woman when he’s older. Risks of the procedure far outweighed the cosmetic benefits for us.
29.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mariemaverick, well I mean, anyone can get UTI with or without it. It’s all about keeping it clean. And teaching him how to clean himself when he’s old enough.. all ima say; it’s your baby, don’t let them make you feel like you have to do something that you really don’t wanna do. It’s between you and your husband, not anyone else’s choice. Y’all sit down together, make a pros and cons list.
@kkmamax3, my husband isn’t but all of the family is telling us we should and even his mom said if she could she would have had my husband done. I just worry about it but then again i worry he might get UTI also without it.
29.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
My husband is but we both agreed, if we were having a son (last baby) that we wouldn’t have his done.
We did it, we asked a lot of people that are not circumcised(family) how they felt and they suggested it was better. I didn't want my son circumcised, but I left that up to my husband. They left a piece of skin on one side, it's not too bad but I was pretty pissed it wasn't done right. I think they're pros and cons. It's just up to you.
Look it up before you do it. And you tell yourself is it worth it
29.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mariemaverick we did think about it with my first son but we learned they didn't do it while we were in the hospital and it was also expensive so we decided not too.
@lexitorres913, thank you for your opinion but i don’t think you should say if your a “good mother”. Everyone has their own opinion and own beliefs. Just because they believe it’s the best for their child doesn’t make them a bad mom!
29.12.2017 Нравится Ответить
Both my boys are not circumcised. My husband is not circumcised either and he dosnt have a problems keeping clean. He can teacher the boys to keep themselves clean.
It's not necessary at all! You're cutting a piece of your babies penis of for no reason. The doctor says it helps prevent infection and easier for you to keep up with your baby. But that's bs. It hurts the baby. And if you're a good mother you shouldn't have no dumb procedure on your kid, just make sure you stay on top of your baby and you'll be fine.