On November 8th At 38 weeks and 3 days I was scheduled for an induction due to preeclampsia, we got to the hospital at 7 pm. About 9 pm they started cervadil and it was left in until 9 am. When they took it out and checked my cervix I was still only 1 cm and 50 percent effaced. So they started pitocin. They checked me at noon and 3 pm and still no progress. At 6 pm they broke my water and hoped that would help. 11 pm rolls around and still I’m stuck at 1 cm but my contractions were only 3 mins apart. My BP was getting too high, and the baby was in distress. They stopped pitocin for about 6 hours and let me eat. I got an epidural even though I was aiming for a natural birth I couldn’t handle it anymore. The next morning, 24 hours after they started pitocin and I’m only at 3 cm and not budging. The doctor decided it’d be safest to take me in for an emergency c section because my pain and BP and baby heart rate sky rocketing. At 12:34 Pm on November 10th my beautiful Charlotte Mae was brought into this world. After a discouraging and painful labor that ended in a c section, I felt useless and awful. Nothing went the way it was supposed to. I was so depressed and felt awful. On top of this, she wouldn’t latch for the first 4 days. Now 6 days later, I realize that no matter how she was born and what I went through doesn’t matter. Her latching doesn’t matter. She’s the most beautiful and precious thing I’ve ever set my eyes on. She’s the best thing to ever happen to me and I wouldn’t change anything because I love her more than words could ever describe.