Sharaia Maes
Sharaia Maes
SOS. My sons nose has been super stuffed for the past couple weeks. I’ve tried saline.. doesn’t work. Cool air humidifier... doesn’t work. Vick’s, sleeping upright (he can’t at night we co sleep), nose sucker. same thing. NOTHING IS WORKING. He can’t sleep at night because he can’t breathe through his nose. Do you ladies know what I can do so he can finally sleep?

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I would put vick’s on bottom of feet with socks like she said, also try holding him in the bathroom with a hot shower running for a few minutes. There’s not a WHOLE lot you can do beside saline, booger suckers and vick’s.
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
Have you try vick on the bottom of he feet an than put socks as well his back which I know you said Vick doesn’t work but sometimes other places on the body does and with him being that lil it going to have to run it course cuz there nothing really you can do
15.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
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