Hey ladies can anyone please help I think I lost my mucus plug this morning or it's just a lot of discharge can anyone please help. I know I have been having bad back pain.
@db413 @shylamarie @eaj8290 thanks ladies so when my bloody show happens too need to call the delivery to let then now or just want for labor to start.
12.11.2017 Нравится Ответить
It's part of your plug, but you can lose your plug at any point. I lost mine all the time with my daughter after sex. Once you have your bloody show is when the party really starts.
You could be losing parts of your mucus plug, but not enough for labor. It's called the bloody show because there will be a good amount of blood in it. When you lose your mucus plug, it will sometimes grow back. I lost some of mine everyday for 2 weeks straight, but never went into labor.