Liz B
Liz B
Ok ladies haven’t been on this app in a while & forgot i even had an account. But I have a question. I have a 1 yr old babygirl & I was wondering if any of you have any tips for traveling on an airplane with a 1 yr old. This would be her first time traveling. We live in Va beach and are going to Charlotte NC. She gets annoyed and fussy & I don’t feel like hearing her scream her butt off and people getting annoyed. She also gets bored easily! And also when I go to book my ticket do I need a car seat for her or does she go in my lap? If she’s in her car seat would it be extra? Sorry brand new to this traveling thing. Help please any tips are welcome!

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Your daughter is young enough to be a lap baby but if she is anything like my son and moves a lot you might want to buy her the extra seAt
29.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
I’ve never traveled on airplane but I think I remember my friend saying her daughter sat on her lap. If you want her to have her own seat you have to buy a ticket for her. Not 100% sure but that’s what I remember.
29.10.2017 Нравится Ответить
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