Afyer some time contemplating it, I want to participate in the #MeToo movement. I feel, as a mom group consisting of mainly females, this is the best way to do it. I want all of you to know you're not alone. It's taken some time to want to come forward about it, and maybe I'll regret it. Most victims aren't believed so I've never really come forward about it. But, I was sexual assaulted and raped in my previous relationship. We were together for a year and he apparently got to the point where he felt if he wanted sex he could have it, no matter what, even if I declined. I was raped 5 times, and sodomized 3. Each time he saw no wrong in it. He felt that, as my boyfriend, he was entitled to it anytime he wanted. That's how he was raised. To this day he still sees no wrong in what he did. I was held down, had my mouth and nose covered, was choked in the process multiple times, etc. I, like many others, was made to feel like it was my fault. If I would've given it up more, wasn't a "tease", dressed more seductively, etc, maybe it never would've gone to that...but the truth is, nothing could've prevented it. I've been followed to my car by multiple men on different occasions who force my door to stay open, get in my face, try to grope me, made sexual remarks, and say I need to kiss them if I want them to leave. I've been catcalled on the street, at the store, at my job. I've been made to feel like I'm only good as a sexual play toy for men when they desire what I was born with. I'm more than just a pair of breasts and a vagina. I never deserved what I got, but some will still blame me. I just hope to God my daughter never has to go through it or has to participate anonymously in a confessions group to get her word out...
This was my MeToo confession. If you want to get yours out, my inbox is always open. You won't face judgement, you wont face hatred, you wont face blames. You will be met with compassion, acknowledgement, and open ears. For those who don't want to come forward, just know this: it wasn't your fault and you are not to blame. Please don't blame yourself for whatever happened.