I feel so guilty asking my mom for help. She never acts like it bothers her especially if it has something to do with the baby but I hate it. Sometimes on her day off I’ll ask her to help me pick up my kitchen because I’ve let it get to the point where I don’t even wanna walk in it and sometimes I’ll ask her to take Kota for a few minutes and let me ave a little bit of time. I’ve only asked her to keep her over night maybe 4-5 times in the 8 months. I really want to ask her on day that she’s off either this week or next to keep her over night but I always feel like shit for asking 😩😭
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If she is willing, let her. I would let her have every opportunity to help.

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@beebaby, that’s what I’m gonna have to start doing instead of overthinking it.

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If she is willing, let her. I would let her have every opportunity to help.

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