Torii Rolfe
Honestly, I’m pretty nervous to be induced, I’ve heard it’s a more painful labor...
6.5 лет

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It's not that it's more pain it's just quicker pain than your body handling contractions at their own pace. If your planning on an epidural you won't know the difference. I was thankful for my induction. I was way more scared of not being able to get to the hospital.

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It's not that it's more pain it's just quicker pain than your body handling contractions at their own pace. If your planning on an epidural you won't know the difference. I was thankful for my induction. I was way more scared of not being able to get to the hospital.

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It is more painful I got the epidural at 3cm cause I couldn't stand the pain anymore but I soon as I got epidural everything went pretty smooth.

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Everything went great for me. Don't stress too much.

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No its not bad i was indiced them sticking that pill in ur was a little painful to me and the contraction hurt i did it with no meds u got this

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Everything went well and smooth for Me, induced with no pain meds. I was nervous to begin with but once I went in for it I was so ready to get him out that I didn't even think of being nervous anymore. Once I felt like giving up it was time to push so it worked out alright

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It isnt ideal to be induced. The best way to go is natural because inducing is forced labor that is good for mother or child but is necessary for emergency situations.

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It’s not as bad as everyone says honestly.
I was induced had vaginal birth and emergency c section.

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It was pretty painful. I was happy when I asked for the epidural tho! Once you get that, everything else is smooth.

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