@boymom_ thats scary, im sorry! Did it just not work? So far its been okay, but i feel like its wearing off they might have to bring the anesthesiologist back in
They anesthesiologist described it like hitting your funny bone on your back. It’s a little sensation that travels down your legs. I had no pain at all and super easy 👍🏻
It feels like a bee sting when they put it in then with in like 30 minutes you barely feel anything anymore at least that’s what happened with me. It could make you shake though and for me my whole face and chest itched so bad but it was worth it instead of the contractions I was having
@jessicamichener21, it was my first too I just had my son on the 5th and my contractions were so bad I was in tears and kept thinking I don’t know how I’m going to get through this and then after I got the epidural I felt like I could do it again
With my first I had back labor so when I got my epidural I couldn't even feel it tbh. But my second one my contractions were hurting but not to the point where I, couldn't stand it anymore and the nurse told me if I didn't get my epidural then then I wouldn't be able to get it and I thought it hurt worse than the contractions it was only in many 20 mins and didn't have have to take effect yet before I had the baby. So this time imma try and go with out it
Oh wow, well hopefully that happens with me because im not gonna lie this is my first & im soooo terrified! So many emotions right now, more excited but soo scared! I dont want it to hurt!