@oliviasilva48, I understand. Do what you half to right now. But just remember it's not forever and their are options to get out while you can. ❤️ you got this no matter what and you're son will understand one day when he is much older.
@littleonemorning, I want to leave it’s just my son he has everything he needs and I’m not stable at the moment to leave. In my eyes if I can tough it out for my son I have to 😫 I don’t want him to live on a couch or a random place and change schools etc. it’s so hard because we have a child involved it hurts me the most to be in the situation but ugh I’m so lost right now 😫
@oliviasilva48, personally. I would leave, but that's me. Some people don't want to change and if he isn't going to, then it's not worth it. You're a strong woman.
@oliviasilva48, I know what you mean, my boyfriend and me used to have these problems. If you want to talk about it or need someone to talk to you can message me.
And also try and avoid these kinds of conversations through texting or over the phone, lots of times it leads to even more miscommunication and frustration.
@oliviasilva48, okay I can understand him getting frustrated about old stuff, but he also has to hear you out if it's bothering you. My advice would be to try and sit down and some point and have a conversation about things. Try limit getting angry with each other and crying, even if that means you say your piece and let him think about it. I know you said you are trying, but you can't give up because it's not the "right" time for him. There is never a right time.
You have trust issues, but you guys can come to compromise about things and work on it together.
@littleonemorning, no he just gets frustrated for bringing up old stuff. And he’s been at work all day and takes him an hour to come home. He works a lot.
Also remind your self that every guy isnt the same and try not to compare him to those from the past although its easier said than done just let things flow
@blessedmommyoftwo, we’re trying it’s getting hard tho because he does stuff that triggers my trust for him but I know it’s innocent but it’s hard idk how to explain it 😫