Shannon Darbyshire
Anyone know what I can do to help Arlo get in a sleeping routine?! He goes down in his cot at 7pm/7:30pm every night passed out asleep and wakes up at this time wide awake so giddy, tried everything to get him back to sleep but there’s no chance he just gets himself laughing and then upset and I’m not one for leaving him to cry it out so young, then he’s up again at 3 and 6 without fail 🙈 wouldn’t mind but he used to sleep through so I know he can bloody do it his routine is just all up in the air atm
6.5 лет

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@laurabump27 I got him to sleep!! 💃🏼 my partner got him into a habit of watching In the Night Garden on a little laptop which sent him to sleep but I went up and turned it off and said he’s going cold turkey tonight 😂 he kicked off, gave him his dummy and just persevered and he’s drifted off so I’ll try it again through the night rather than letting him have a bottle xxx

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@shannonn95 yeah keep doing it over and over... that's what I did and he just started to drift back off xxx

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@laurabump27 I got him to sleep!! 💃🏼 my partner got him into a habit of watching In the Night Garden on a little laptop which sent him to sleep but I went up and turned it off and said he’s going cold turkey tonight 😂 he kicked off, gave him his dummy and just persevered and he’s drifted off so I’ll try it again through the night rather than letting him have a bottle xxx

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Yeah he has always napped at 11 and 3/4 for an hour I’m wondering if I try to keep him awake even more if it will help, but yeah someone mentioned the sleep regression to me he’s defo going through it! I’m going to try what you do and just persist with the dummy and see how I go because it’s getting ridiculous at night times now he’s still awake laughing 🙈 xxx

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Hahaha omg that made me laugh... it's no fun though at them times.

He doesn't really nap much in the day
.. maybe 2 hours max!!!! Spread out in littke naps... really more like 90mins he hardly ever sleeps in the day.

He goes bed at half 7 sleeps till 7... but he started to wake at 10 giddy.. playing... then... 3 then 5.. but i just kept doing dummy
. Stroking his head pretending to sleep next to him and he got bored and drifted again.

Is arlo napping alot in the day? Maybe keep him busy so he's more tired later.
I know its hard :(
Or they have this sleep regression too don't They!? Xxx

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@laurabump27 I’ve tried it I get the dummy spat right back at me he can do it 200 times if he wants just lies there blowing raspberries and kicking his legs and laughing, I swaddle him aswell and no matter how good he’s wrapped up he’s like Houdini he’s always got out of it I could put a padlock on and he’d escape 😂 but if I don’t swaddle him his arms wake him up what time does Charlie take naps in the day and how long for xxx

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Charlie would do the same... but i just lie down with him dummy in and he would settle again... takes a few goes though! Xx

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