kayla lashua
kayla lashua
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I am not ashamed of my body.

I'm not embarrassed about my love handles or chunky thighs. When someone who doesn't know me sees me, they might judge the fact that I can only wear stretchy pants because I still can't fit into my "skinny pants.

When someone looks at me, they might notice that my arms jiggle a little too much. They might criticize my cellulite. They might judge the fact that my butt looks like a beach ball right now.

What they don't know is that I just had a baby growing in my belly for 6 months. What they don't know is that I fought for her to survive, and it wasn't enough. What they don't know, is that I have a special case designated to my baby and her ashes in my living room so no one can ever forget her fight.

I'm not ashamed of the way I look, I'm a mom who lost her baby 8 weeks ago today.

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