@niki.parker12 Yes it's definitely going to be the longest 14 days of my life! But if I were you i would ask if they can give you a ratio! Because the way my doctor put it is, if I was in a room with 250 women my age that were pregnant only 1 of us would have a baby with down syndrome! So that made me feel better! Normally when they detect something on an ultrasound or through a blood screen it's only a guess and not necessarily a diagnosis!
@niki.parker12 No this was Monday she told me, I took another blood test and she is gonna call me within 2 weeks for the results. She reassured me that this happens alot and the chances of my baby have down syndrome is like 1 percent. If I were you I wouldn't worry at all especially if they aren't in a hurry to do more testing.
@niki.parker12 Yes definitely don't worry at all just yet. My test came back positive for down syndrome, she said my ratio is 1 in 250! The doctor said it's not a diagnosis it's just a sign to have more testing done and 9 times out of 10 further testing will show everything is fine! Did your doctor tell you that you needed to get a harmony blood test done for more accurate results?