For the past couple of months my mood has been all over the place, the soreness comes and goes, and the heartburn has made its presence known. My stomach has gotten a tad bigger (as many may notice) and questions have been asked to me in regards to if I'm pregnant. I've had my Nexplanon implant for almost a full year. And Google has answered so many questions for me........well when all is said and done I guess it's time to test...
@mightypw13 I don't think so. As long as you went pregnant when it was put in then you ahouldnt be pregnant and it should still work. I believe it's like a high dose of b.c I'm not sure
@nitarose070793 could alcohol affect how the implant works?
04.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mightypw13 well I'd say talk to the Dr. Bc ectopic pregnancies can occur but they result in miscarriage. If you think you are then I'd say talk to the Dr bc the tests will come out neg and they may have to do an ultrasound.
@nitarose070793 that's why I'm convinced I'm not because of the implant but so many people are arguing it to me
04.09.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mightypw13 it can it did that to me. All b.c I've been on have done that. If your concerned you are pregnant talk to your ob. The implant is very good at not getting pregnant but the side effects sick