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Well here she is everyone, Miss Ekko Jastlyn. Went in Sunday Aigust 20th because I had blurry vision, they did a bp test and mine was little high so they decided to do the 24hr urine test. After that came back my levels were 350 they decided I would be induced August 26th and they would keep me until then. Well on August 22nd I was video chatting with my son while he was with the babysitter and I got a real bad headache and started seeing spots and my blood pressure was the highest it had been my entire stay so about 7:30 pm they took me down stairs to L&D and started me on magnesium, at this point I still had a headache & blurry vision so they decided to move mfy induction up to that night at 10:30. After a long hard and intense repeat c section my beautiful daughter arrived at 11:39 pm weighing 6 pounds even and 18 inches long. Only 1 oz bigger then her big brother. I had a dream earlier in my pregnancy that she looked just like him but with darker hair and let me tell you what...she looked like a photo copy of my dream, The exact same baby,Perfect in everyway. So there you have it guys, the story of how my princess arrived. ❤ I love her to death already. 😍

Лучший комментарий


@shay2beautiful thank you!
27.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Congratulations hun... She's beautiful!❤
27.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
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