Harley Snook
Harley Snook
So my MIL wanted to get family pictures done today. So we go get them done and for every picture she had taken with me in it, she had the same one take with me out. Why would you have a group family picture done, with my husband and daughter standing there, and I'm not in it? She's half mine. I understand if you wanted like the grandparents and the grandbaby, or the parents and kids (without any spouses or kids), but any picture my husband AND daughter are in, it just seems weird to have me step out. Just my opinion I guess. I just know my parents would never have a family photo taken and then be like "okay Michael get out for this one." Shit she does that always makes me feel like I'm never really part of the family.

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@harleyann, you need to speak your mind let your voice be heard you should tell her how it made you feel don't let him do it. What I would do is take family pictures just of you three and hang them up in your home and don't ever give her any. That's rude that she did that.
21.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mimirocha, yes very rude I told my husband to to tell her I don't like that or I am going to tell her and she will never see her first grandson talking more like that but she stopped saying that but I don't like going over there hate it
21.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@karen233 How rude and disrespectful. My MIL doesn't say things like that anymore because she knows better since my husband finally learned to defend me and not her. So she doesn't voice herself as much. Thank gosh!
21.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@harleyann Ugh. Hopefully he comes to realize It all soon. But yes, keep a distance as much as you can. 😕
21.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mimirocha, @harleyann, I feel the same way my mother law always says I won't last with my husband that's mest up she doesn't know my marriage and I try not to go or even visit because of little rude comments
21.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mimirocha I definitely will turn into momma bear if I don't like something they are doing with her. But stuff like the pictures, she'll just play dumb and my husband will think I'm overreacting. He knows his family is fake but he's also still a little brainwashed. They only live 15 minutes away but luckily they're all so wrapped up in themselves they don't ask to see us often.
21.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@harleyann Woo!!!! I'm glad I'm not alone. Haha. One minute they're great and the next they're tearing each other apart and talking behind their backs. My husband stays away from it. Plus we moved a good distance from them. Haha. I started defending myself I think once my little bear was born. Mommy mode kicked in. Haha.
21.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mimirocha yeah I know. Something I'm constantly struggling with. I'm normally very straightforward with my family but that's not how his family is at all. They're all so fake, even with each other.
21.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@harleyann Oh I've had times where my husband thinks it's normal for her to be doing other things as well. Just have to voice yourself. Don't let her do that to you. It's YOUR child as well.
21.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@mimirocha That's really nice your husband did that. His mom is always like that so he thinks it's normal. To me, it's extremely rude.
21.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Ew how rude. My MIL tried the same thing once. And that was when I didn't even have my little bear. But my husband shut it down real quick. He actually told her exactly what you said. That how would she feel being taken our when she's already a part of the family. @harleyann
21.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@damiensmommy1117 Right? Or she's hoping lol. It's not that I need to be in every picture. I understand you want different combinations or whatever. But if my husband and daughter are in it, I feel like I should be. Whatever. Karma is a bitch though because every time I walked away my daughter cried because she saw me on the other side of the room.
21.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
That's messed up. Like she doesn't think you guys will last or something. Screw her.
21.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
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