Katie Bates
Katie Bates
My boy walks with his foot outwards, my fiance and his mother now have me worried that something is wrong.....mind you he's only 11months old and just learning

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My mother in law did the same thing to me. At my daughts last pediatrician appointment the doctor told us not to worry about it. And its not a problem until they are at age two. And doctors don't do anything for it except for suggesting to use high top shoes. And your kid is still very young so don't worry about it until he's older(18mnths old). If it actually effects his walking then mention it to the Dr and they will let you know if its anything to worry about
16.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
I wouldn't worry yet. He just learning how to balance on his feet! I had a boy like that at my daycare but his feet are more straight now as he gets used to being on his feet more 😊😊
16.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
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