Valeria Alonso
Valeria Alonso
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Funny how at first I only wanted a flat tummy.. never wanted abs.. but once you start and you make it a habit and love it.. you just keep wanting more💪🏼 and Yes! I still want more.
Never let anyone else tell you can't, cuz You can!🙌🏻
Have a wonderful day beautiful mommas🌼❣️

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Okay I'll do that. & yes I've lost almost all but like 5 pounds. I've always been skinny so the extra weight doesn't bother me. I wanna turn the extra fat into muscle. I also wanna join a cross fit gym they have here but since I'm exclusive breastfeeding idk when I'm available lol. & also we have a mini gym here in the garage I will look more into stuff I can do with what we have. Thanks for the advise 😊
05.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@nessa614, you can start off by working out your abs maybe once or twice a week.. when you set up a routine you'll start knowing when to do more, and Great for you momma!! I miss breastfeeding so much!❤️ that's gonna help a lot with loosing weight too.
I did started at the gym.. after a while a realize there is so much you can do at home too, actually most of the workouts I do for abs I can do them at home, everything else like legs, but, biceps shoulders, back, I need the machines and weights
05.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Same reason I started. I'm just worried I'll hurt myself from doing abs every 2 days but I will try. & that's good, I try to eat healthy because I'm breastfeeding. My daughter is what makes me not eat so much junk food like I used to but I do treat myself. I will try to stop myself though too because of her & because I really wanna have the stomach I had before. & I only drink water so that's good. Do you workout in the gym or at home? Idk if that matters but I'm just interested in how you started at least
05.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
@nessa614, its been like half a year.. but since my stomach was the reason why I started in the first place I workout my abs every 2 days,
And The only thing I always tell people when they ask me what I do.. is just make sure you have a good diet, doesn't matter if you spend 3 hours at the gym everyday, if what your putting inside your body is all junk food. Having cheat meals is okay but don't go crazy on them, little buy little you'll see how your body starts getting used to it,😉👌🏼 drink lots of water and don't give up!💪🏼 it takes time and patience
05.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
Since when have you been working out? I just started to every other day. Any tips?
05.08.2017 Нравится Ответить
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