It depends here. I usually get up when toddler get up maybe a little earlier during the summer. During the school year I have an alarm set get kids off to school then have me time b4 toddler wakes up
@kanishahardy, well, I would get some flavored creamers if you are not a coffee drinker... and start with a 'breakfast blend' it's a lighter roast (which is higher in caffeine!😉 and lighter in flavor)... don't try to start with anything 'dark' or 'bold' it will just taste like burnt beans if you are not use to it... I've been buying Seattles Best recently... I think it's called spirited start... 🤔 it's red and white packaging with a bull dog image on it... some coffees come in 'sample' sizes... so you can buy enough to brew a single pot, to see if you like it before you buy a large bag of it! Hope that helps! 😅