Guys I need help my son is 7 months old and is coughing really bad it's raspy and sounds horrible I'm sure it hurts he does have allergies but I've never heard him like this before what do I do? Hes having trouble sleeping cuz of it
Drs office I don't think there is anything at home u can do for him on your own if he sounds like that.. best is to take him in so they can give him the medicine he needs and to get proper diagnosis
24.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
I think you should take him.. could be RSV or whooping cough. Both very dangerous too little babes. Just go calmly, don't over think it. Let the doctors do their job. You will get sleepy while you are there so bring a snack, water, and book or something to do while you wait. My babe had RSV around 4 months old, started with a cough and low grade fever. In a matter of a couple hours her fever went up to 104. I'm just so blessed I took her to the ER when I did.
First it should try and not worry yourself because your son can sense it and he will start getting overwhelmed as well... I believe you should also bring him to the emerg... when I am unsure about something I normally call public health line to town to a nurse... and maybe your room is to dry for him you should use a humidifier to help as well... he is fine mama stay positive