aaliyah hartley
aaliyah hartley
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Here is what 27 weeks looks like on my end !
It's getting a little harder because of having fibrous dysplasia and my body and bines hurt like 10 x more than what they should. I'm not letting it win though ! I still manage to get up and clean my house , I still go to work , I try to be as active as I can !
I am not a quitter & being pregnant I can't quit ! I will be so strong to make sure I bring my baby boy into this world ! Axel Kai , I promise no matter how bad it hurts I'll keep pushing ! Many nights I prayed for you , many nights I cried BC I thought I'd never have a baby ! Many nights I've doubted my ability to carry him with my bones being the way they are , but then God blessed me with the opportunity and I know if he didnt think I could do it it wouldn't have happened .
So for that I have faith.

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