I AM SO SICK OF MY NEIGHBORS... They are f***** loud pounding and slamming everything... They even wake up my daughter.... Honestly what am I supposed to do.. I've told them many times to stop, I've told landlord (she tells them exactly what I said to her and it MADE IT WORST! She didn't even resolve the issue! She made it worst and she knows that)... Wth am I supposed to do now....

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@torrey.bee yes they are and thank you, we hope so as well!
15.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
@amoore, they are childish!!!! Yes do those things and I hope it works out!
15.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
@torrey.bee ok definitely will!! And we use to be friends with them but they called the cops on us because they thought my hubby was beating on me when I was having back contractions, and made up false sentences that supposing I said before(which they lied because they were embarrassed of being wrong) ever sence we confronted them it's gotten worse. They are extremely imature and trying to start stuff because I wouldn't have my hubby watch her bf at work... It's rediculos. But I'm definitely gonna do everything we talked about.
15.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
@amoore, you're welcome and make sure you have videos and stuff of them being loud. It's crazy that people aren't considerate of other people
15.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
@torrey.bee thank you! I really appreciate it! And it is everything supposed to be confidential but it's not around here she really should not be a landlord. But thank you I'm definitely gonna do that!! Asap!
15.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
@amoore, and that's so unprofessional. People should. Not know your business.
15.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
@amoore, after you send things in writing about your neighbors (it can be email or letters), have proof that your neighbors are loud assholes and send that to the landlord as well
If nothing gets done send them a certified letter in the letter make sure you have Dates and every time you've contacted the landlord about issues
Sending it certified will make them think you're going to take legal action against them
If nothing gets done request your deposit back (due to them not maintaining their tenants)
If nothing gets done
15.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
@torrey.bee what exactly do you mean "certified to break the lease" as in a lawyer type of certificatation and that's a really great idea. I definitely will because this landlord is just a child she also tells her tenants of 5 years what is happening with everyone, -example (I went to ER and missed my landlords apt and the next day our neighbors came up asking how I was because they heard of situation from landlord.)
15.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
I threatened to send something certified break my lease and requested my deposit back because of an issue like this and it got resolved. Make sure you've sent something to your landlord in writing and have proof (I had actual videos) of your neighbors being loud
15.07.2017 Нравится Ответить
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