That's also a possibility! Like I said, my daughter had a speech delay and she's actually about to start speech therapy because it's very difficult to understand her even now at 4 years old. So I have no experience with that situation haha. She never had an interest in talking too much until she went to daycare at 2 years old and even then she never spoke as well as other kids her age. Not sure if that's due to me letting her sign for so long or what, but yeah haha.
@teambarnes, ugh it does make it so frustrating because I don't want to push so hard with it because I don't want her to become frustrated. Lol. I gave her a kiss the other day and she signed more so I am sure she's just testing me haha but I've also heard baby's learning sign language tend to stop signing when they want to start speaking.
She probably is just testing you haha. My oldest was like that with a lot of things. She doesn't like being prompted for anything - she'd just rather do it on her own haha. Makes teaching them things VERY frustrating but then they surprise you by showing on their own they learn WAY more than you realize 😂😂
@teambarnes, see my daughter will be so excited to learn a new sign and put it to use but recently she acts like she has forgotten them! I will normally teach her a sign and then practice it with her for a while until she gets the hang of it and can use it properly and then I will teach her a new one. But I always go back and make sure she is still using the previous signs she has learned. Lately when I ask her to show me one of her signs she won't for example when she is eating and wants more I ask her to show me more and she will just act out until she thinks she gets her way or just forgets about it! But she will use the sign any other time in the proper way without me prompting her. So I'm just not sure if she is testing me on how much she can tell me no or what 😅
No never. She picked it up quickly starting at 6 months. By 8 months she could sign when she was hungry and sign "Mommy" and "Daddy" among other simple signs. She was always excited that we could understand and communicate with us. She only did words and phrases. Never actually full sentences really but it was always enough to understand each other.