@kelliamber I never tried it before now, I'm very intrigued by it! I have taught toddlers and preschoolers to read for over a decade, my oldest son learned at 2. The last group I taught I had two three year old little girls that were able to learn to read but couldn't identify their letters ( mind you this was after 26 weeks of going through each letter and months of review). Had I tried this method instead it probably would have been easier on them and me. The little boys in the same group who were two not only identified all their letters but also could read. I like trying different methods in teaching, because not all kids learn the same way.
My kiddo loves books already. Even starting to show some letter recognition. Have you heard of Usborne books? They have plenty. Of kids books for all age groups.
@angelao777, the school I worked for used s program called Riggs where you literally teach the 4 sounds letter a makes rather than 'this is letter A'
I've definitely seen this method help with my oldest when he comes across unfamiliar words 👍🏻
@mommagigi23, it's super simple and kind of old school but my son enjoyed it. It's simply taking sticky notes and putting them on objects around the house (door, window, lamp, sink, etc)
I love the scholastic first little readers and your baby can read. There's also a YouTuber named Jady A, she suggests teaching alphabet sounds first because it helps them read earlier ( she's a mom of 3 young girls), I'm trying that method with my 7m old.
My oldest who will be 6 next week started reading at 3 years. We did the whole labeling the house, Cvc site words, word family's, read to dog program through the library-there's so much out there to foster reading!! Keep it up!
27.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
My 16 month old loves to read! It's so good for her.