@julie.bernard3, well I had a small baby also... (she was only 33w), just makes it easier to 'push' 😅😘... I'll pray you have a smooth labor! Good luck momma!
Are you being induced for a reason like high BP or something? I ended up with severe preeclampsia with my first... they gave me 2 doses of a med to soften my cervix, and that was all that was needed to send me into all out labor... the key is to relax and tell your body to 'open'... keep your face, eyebrows and jaw relaxed, if those remain relaxed typically your other parts will follow suit... my midwife told me most first time moms have longer labors because they fight it, and are super tense which constricts areas that should be relaxing... she had me focus on 'opening my flower'... I visualized the contractions like wading out into the ocean, don't pull back and let the wave carry you back to the shore, push through it and would do the opposite of a Keagle exercise instead of pulling my cervix up and closed I pushed it open, if that makes sense... they told me my labor would be between 36-48 hours... i literally delivered my daughter in less than 12! I really believe it was because I forced myself to relax!
It's not as bad as everyone says it is. Eat a decent meal before going in, try to get some sleep before, have a mommy day today before going in. Do something for yourself. And just try to stay calm.