Alexandria J. Sheetz-Sawyer
Alexandria J. Sheetz-Sawyer
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Today I actually got to sleep in a little bit. See I have two of my children living with me. My 13 month old son, and my six week old daughter. So, having a infant and a toddler to have to take care of by myself alot, I don't get much time to relax. I would be lucky to be able to sit down for about 30 minutes. But my son spent the night at his grandma's house. So, I have actually been able to have some down time with my daughter today. Slept in (sleep when she sleeps), and actually got to relax on my back porch and enjoy this beautiful morning with a cup of coffee, and a cigarette. And going to try to go for a walk. And might even be able to watch some Sons Of Anarchy on Netflix. I absolutely love that show (Team Jax 😍), I've watched every season forward and back about a million times, and never get bored of it. And I never get to watch the show anymore, because I always have cartoons playing for my son, and my husband is not a big fan of SOA. So, this mommy is enjoying some much needed down time. See when I just have my daughter around, it's alot more easy. But with my son around, it's alot more of a handful. And my husband is not getting off work until 6 pm, and my son is not getting dropped off until later on today. So, I might even try to do my nails, take a shower, and even get dolled up, and make some yummy food. Wish me luck 👍

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