Leanna Spencer
Leanna Spencer
So, I am in a couple mommy groups on Facebook and let me tell you, I see some stupid shit. If you're the type of parent, mother or father, that smokes weed when their kids aren't home or does it every now and then while they're sleeping, I see no harm in that! HOWEVER, I see AT LEAST 20 moms or so in one group saying "I stay high 24/7, I'm always smoking" blah blah blah.... HOW THE HELL DO YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF??? AND PARENTS THAT SMOKE CIGARETTES AROUND YOUR KIDS OR DRINK AROUND YOUR KIDS I WILL ASK YOU THE SAME THING!! HOW THE F*CK DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT?! I just don't get it y'all. Fell free to comment your thoughts on the matter whether you agree or disagree, I'm not gonna report you or get butt hurt for you stating your opinion but remember, don't dish it out if you can't take it.

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I think people should be band on here talking about drinking while breastfeeding
26.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
I hate when people drink and still breastfeeding
26.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@c54steele yeah I feel the same way about that situation it's horrible and breaks my heart everyday
26.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@amberjacq thats awful. I can't imagine how you feel or even your younger brother. Its like his life is already spiralling and it hasn't even started😥
25.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@amberjacq I'm glad I'm not the only one lol
25.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@c54steele Yes!! And the doctors said she would die if she doesn't stop I choose to not be around my mom because I don't like seeing her like this, I was forced growing up seeing her be an alcoholic (back then she didn't pop pills she just drank very very very heavily all the time every single day like she does now but she's just recently 3 years ago added antidepressants and Ambien into the mix) because I had no other choice then to live with her and my step dad we had to constantly take abuse from both of them when I was little because they are very mean, bitter, and abusive drunks so now I just stay away I don't even go to any family events anymore because my mother is sick with multiple autoimmune diseases one being lupus so she's sick on top of drinking and doing pills so she's lost a large amount of weight she used to be over 200 pounds and now she's 125 and probably even skinnier now because I haven't seen her in almost a year now the last time I seen her was before my birthday and the last time I talked to her was mothers day I had to text her because she wont text or call me at all I hadn't heard from her in 7 months before I texted her on mothers day, she used to be a good mom back when she was sober but now her parenting skills have just went down the toilet, my younger brother is 16 and still lives with her and she doesn't even hardly parent him he's so disrespectful and stays the night with different girlfriends and he's had the law called on him before so I just try to stay away from them as much as possible because I can't handle seeing the devil take over their lives
25.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@goodbyelullabye Yes exactly, Amen! I've never tried anything related to drugs or alcohol I just feel like my life is worth more then that
25.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Idk maybe it's just me then because anytime I have ever smoked I was completely out of it and everyone else that I've ever met that smoked was out of it too. Also, if you live in a state that sells medical marijuana or even if you don't, why not just use like the oil drops or some other form of cannabis instead of damaging your lungs. And no one can say that it doesn't hurt your lungs, it may not be as bad as cigarettes but it still does
24.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
I smoke. On a regular basis. I choose to treat my massive anxiety and my husbands combat related ptsd. I chose it because pumping our bodies full of toxic pills wasn't safe. I'm a good mom, my kids are great kids. I'm very responsible about it, it doesn't affect my parenting at all other than giving me more patience.
24.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@goodbyelullabye it's proven that marijuana does not "fry your brain". The only reason it's worse than cigarettes is it has more tar. It's healthy in so many ways if it's not smoked
24.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Marijuana would not affect parenting skills at all. As someone who used to smoke weed 24/7 I can attest to that. All it does is make you a little more relaxed as long as you don't go overboard. It's like drinking a glass of wine to relax. Shit, at one point, I've been more fucked up off a glass of wine than I have from smoking weed. I see no problem in it
24.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
I don't even approve of it when the kids aren't around. I've never tried and I never will. If people want to fry their brains just let them
24.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@amberjacq ambien and vodka? HOW is she still alive?😨😨😨 oh my gawsh
24.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@cubanese, like I was saying it doesn't bother me half as bad to know a parent will smoke at night or when kids aren't around but like why on earth would you want to be high 24/7 when you have kids around is what I don't understand
24.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
My husband was on aloooooot of psych meds growing up. Like he spent more of his child hood being comited in institutions than being out of them .. The last time he was in one was in 2014... They released him to my custody... The meds they had him on made him a compleate zombie.. They didnt treat the problem. They just medicated him untill he was a shell of what he was... I HATED it... He stoped takeing them a few days after he got back from where he was and Smoked pot to counter the side effects of quitting them .. October will be three years... He cheifs like a chimney... And honnestly hes a much better parent than me... Hes always cooking with them. Cleaning. Teaching them about rocks and nature... Does all the matience on our house... (Currently hes replaceing out kitchen sink and all the plumbing)... When he wants to he can hold down a job just fine... (By wants to i mean when he needs a break from the kids). . lol... But me on the other hand. Im completely useless when i smoke.. He thinks its funny... (Also i should mention here that we can go to a store and buy it)... . But shes right. Its not like heroin or meth... Or even Alcohol...
24.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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