So, I am in a couple mommy groups on Facebook and let me tell you, I see some stupid shit. If you're the type of parent, mother or father, that smokes weed when their kids aren't home or does it every now and then while they're sleeping, I see no harm in that! HOWEVER, I see AT LEAST 20 moms or so in one group saying "I stay high 24/7, I'm always smoking" blah blah blah.... HOW THE HELL DO YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF??? AND PARENTS THAT SMOKE CIGARETTES AROUND YOUR KIDS OR DRINK AROUND YOUR KIDS I WILL ASK YOU THE SAME THING!! HOW THE F*CK DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT?! I just don't get it y'all. Fell free to comment your thoughts on the matter whether you agree or disagree, I'm not gonna report you or get butt hurt for you stating your opinion but remember, don't dish it out if you can't take it.