Alexandria J. Sheetz-Sawyer
Alexandria J. Sheetz-Sawyer
Wow, I have been so busy, and my mind has been so occupied. With the move, getting unpacked, the new place decorated, set up, everything put away, the whole place clean, along with taking care of two babies on my own. That I had no idea it was Friday lmao. Because when my mother-in-law asked to have our son for the night. I was like yeah that's alright, but you don't have to work tomorrow. And she was like since when do I work on the weekend. Lmao whoops. Now I'm in a much better mood. Just sucks that my husband is working this weekend though. Not because he has to, because he wants the extra money and overtime.

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@bonbonmama , yeah I know, I know Hun. I'm thankful for such a great, loving, hard working husband. Just we never get any us time anymore. Especially with two children in the house. He works all day, I take care of the babies. And the only time we get any us time is once it's their bedtime. And barely that, because we are so exhausted by the end of the day, that we barely get to watch a show together, or even have a drink together. Just we miss each other. He tells me that all the time. And he is always so determined for him and o to have our time. Just miss having our time
23.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
Just be thankful he works girl...
23.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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