Anna Randolph
Anna Randolph
I am so tired of my MIL saying my baby is spoiled. Umm no, she's 2 months old and I'm the only one who ever really takes care of her so of course she's not gonna do as good with someone else bc she's used to me. And bc babies like to be held bc they're close to someone. She told me the other day while laughing that I was gonna have to bring the mamaroo if she watched her bc she's spoiled and cries all the time. 🙄 don't freaking watch her then.

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@annaerandolph, lol 😂 the same thing mines says like we just don't sit around the house all day like you think we do lol I tell you these men are something else
13.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@iviesha, I didn't get anything for Mother's Day either 😅 and when I tell him all I do he's like "oh all you do is stay home all day and take care of her." Like... oh? The dishes and clothes and house just magically take care of themselves?
13.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@annaerandolph, it really don't and they just don't get it. I try not to be mean or rude but we're is the respect and the appreciation for my hard work. Never have time for anything he didn't even get me anything for Mother's Day wanted to sleep all day like I don't get it. But im not affectionate and I'm not happy etc you wanna know why it's cause all my hard work is going unnoticed!!!! But they say the truth hurts and I don't think there ready for it
13.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@iviesha, I feel the exact same way!! He feels like he shouldn't have to take care of her as much since he works. I appreciate that he does but when they get home from work, they get to sit down and relax. Our job literally never ends!
13.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@annaerandolph, yeah it's sad we need breaks as well mean while when they get sick we have to take care of them feed them change them etc. like do your part we know they cry and they can feel the tension you put off when your frustrated at them for crying my husband doesn't even know what size shoes clothes our kid wears when we're out shopping I have to do all the shopping. I mean I get that you go to work full time every day and your bringing in the money for us and pays the bills but that's not all you have to do. We as women have the hard job!!!! They really take us for granted!!!
12.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@iviesha, I feel like that will be my husband bc it's him now 🙄 he gets aggravated at her when she cries and I'm like ???? She's a baby that's what she does. And I always take care of her mainly by myself so when he does take care of her he doesn't know exactly what to do. Like us Momma's know what's wrong and how to get them to eat right/go to sleep but if you don't have her 24/7 then you're not gonna know that
12.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
It will get better some people just don't get it when it comes to kids like didn't you have kids weren't they needy and needed to be held like if you can't deal with the fussing and crying then keep your distance it's just that simple. My husband still does this with our two year old it's not his fault you made excuses to come around when we weren't together or you don't know how to handle him. He told me that he wasn't going to watch our kid till he gots older and didn't cry as much like tf do you mean of course he's used to me i breastfed him basically took care of him by myself still do like it takes time and patience!!!!
12.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
@beebaby, YES! When he's home from work, he's like omg you hold her all the time and that's why she's spoiled. I'm like... Are you here all day? Do you see me holding her all day?
12.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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