Girl's Fess Up Challenge✌🙌👩👅💋👐☝
❤Bath or shower? Shower
❤Straight or curly hair? Curly but i like straight better
❤Favorite movie? El dorado
❤Favorite holiday? Christmas
❤Android or iPhone? Android
❤Texting or call? Call
❤Facebook or twitter? Facebook
❤Favorite type of food? Can't decide on just 1
❤Dream job? Kids counselor
❤Favorte pizza? Mushrooms bacon & chicken
❤Favorite cake? 3 leches
❤Talking or fighting? Talking
❤Night or day? Night
❤Summer or winter? Winter
❤Wine or whiskey? Whiskey
❤Make up or no makeup? No make-up
❤Favorite TV show? Have a few
❤Hair up or down? Both
❤Jeans or leggings? Leggings
❤Painted or non painted nails? Non painted
❤Favorite color? Red
❤T-shirt or dress shirt? T-shirt
❤Flip flops or sneakers? Both
❤Big purse or small? Small
❤How many tattoos? 4
❤How many piercings? Top and bottom of ears
❤Diamonds or pearls? Pearls
❤Favorite animal?lion
❤Rap or country music? Rap
❤Sports or couch?couch
(Clean copy in the comments)

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Girl's Fess Up Challenge✌🙌👩👅💋👐☝
❤Bath or shower?
❤Straight or curly hair?
❤Favorite movie?
❤Favorite holiday?
❤Android or iPhone?
❤Texting or call?
❤Facebook or twitter?
❤Favorite type of food?
❤Dream job?
❤Favorte pizza?
❤Favorite cake?
❤Talking or fighting?
❤Night or day?
❤Summer or winter?
❤Wine or whiskey?
❤Make up or no makeup?
❤Favorite TV show?
❤Hair up or down?
❤Jeans or leggings?
❤Painted or non painted nails?
❤Favorite color?
❤T-shirt or dress shirt?
❤Flip flops or sneakers?
❤Big purse or small?
❤How many tattoos?
❤How many piercings?
❤Diamonds or pearls?
❤Favorite animal?
❤Rap or country music?
❤Sports or couch?
(Clean copy in the comments)
12.06.2017 Нравится Ответить
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