I was told by my nurse that 6lbs 1 oz is a low birth weight to a baby born at 39 weeks!!!! True or false?? I thought that was a petty decent weight 🤔🤔🤔
@porschedavis25 do nit worry if shes healthy dont even stress about it, i cant tell u i wish i did the same. My chb weigh 6 1/2 and the damn doctors kept tellin me he cnt get bigger he cnt get vigger . Bcuz i had GD..so i would stress on my food intake never again after that im like screw u guys hes healthly nothing abnormal
Everyone has their opinions about weight! 6lbs is healthy my little guy was born at 39 weeks weighing only 5lbs 4oz. Everyone was worried about him being so small but the delivering doctor looks at me and goes you guys are not big people why would you have a big baby. Made me feel so much better after so much worrying😊
My first was 6lbs 4oz @ 38 weeks second was 6lbs 8oz @ 38 weeks and third was 5lbs 14oz @ 38 weeks and I was told they were all normal... your baby's weight is normal