So how do single moms do this? I feel like I'm losing my mind and killing myself at this moment. Sebastian's dad hasn't even asked about him and it hurts me that he only cared about if I was putting him on child support. It just kills me. 😩
If that's all he's going to worry about then I'd give him a reason to worry about it and get everything i could ! Such dirt bags out there! How can you bring a child into this world and not care about them!!
@s_green117 you will hun. He will see all the hard work you do for him to give him a great life. It will all get better and be worth it for both of you
@jenny73, it is very stressful. I'm so happy I joined this app when I first got pregnant cause it would probably be 10x worse. And thank you so much for the support. It's hard for me to listen to him now or even believe a word out of his mouth. I found out he's been cheating on me with multiple women throughout my whole pregnancy until now. So every word out of his mouth is like a lie to me.
@s_green117 i went through that too. Your not a bad mom. Its hard doing it alone. I have been doing it for 3 years now. It does get better. Just keep your head up and focus on yourself and your baby ☺
@s_green117 im sorry ur dealimg with that. I know how much it hurts. But dont listen to him. Most guys dont understand what we are going thru and what our body goes thru after we have a baby.
I know u must be so stressed.
@pattygonzalez7927, yeah everything feels like it's just falling apart and I feel like a bad mother some days. And I filed the papers because I know he isn't going to keep his word. He hasn't even had to take care of Sebastian at all since he's been born so why would he start now. I just don't want to see him or deal with him anymore. And thank you! I will message you sometime
@jenny73, I thought I had it after I gave birth but his father kept telling me I was just overreacting. He just beat me up with his words a lot and made me feel like complete crap. I wanted him to be a dad but he went back to his first sons mom and pretty much left me with all the joint bills and everything. It just kills me that he's more worried about child support and his electronics I still have instead of his child. And thank you so much I might need some help along the way so I'll definitely take you up on that offer!
Sweetie it will get better i promise u! I have a 5 yr old whos father left us when i was pregnant
And i just had another baby. Im not with his dad and i just recently found out he has another child he never told me about! He found out when i was pregnant and went and saw the kid and his ex!
Trust me youre not alone. Im going thru post partum depression right now. Do you think you have that? Its okay to get help! Youre baby needs you.
So yeah im raising 2 kids alone now. Its very hard. But youre doing an awesome job by being the mom your baby needs
Please message me if u need to!
Its hard. But it will get easier. Do the child support for sure. Take him to court. You wont regret it at all hun. Mine tried to bully me and the court got him. And he is a dead beat father.