Kayla Childress
Mommy challenge. No judgement.

What's your child's name?
Gwendolyn Olivia 💖❤️

Is your child a boy or girl?
Sweet baby girl

What wipes do you use?

What diapers do you use?
Pampers Swaddlers/Huggies

What baby lotion do you use?
Johnson baby nighttime

What baby wash/shampoo do you use?
Johnson nighttime as well

Bite, rip or clip their fingernails?
I file her nails ☺️

Do you exclusively breastfeed?
Nope. We tried but didn't work for us

Do you vaccinate?
Yes we do

Believe in circumcision?
Yes but probably not if I had a boy

Co-sleep or separate room?
Same room but a crib with a tiny bit of co sleeping

Whooping or time-out.
Time out for sure but I believe spankings are ok

Carry around GermX?
Lol no

Do you believe in CIO method?
Once they are old enough yes

Do you believe in abortion?
Yes I do

Public school or home school?

How many children do you have?
1 alive

How many children do you want?
I wanted 6. Doubt that's gonna happen lol

Age you were when you had your child(ren)?

On birth control?
Mirena IUD lol

Stay at home mom or working?
Basically SAH I work one day a week. Maybe two

Baby wear or stroller?
Stroller but hope to baby wear some

Are you a single mother?
No at all

What do you carry in the diaper bag?
Wipes, Diapers, extra clothes, formula, bottles, water, hair bows, socks

If you could tell new mother's one thing, what would you say?
Don't let anyone walk over you and your opinions, you are that babies mother and no one else. Don't be afraid to tell everyone else no when they do something differently than you want.
6.9 лет

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