Have any other moms felt horrible for your first born after you had your second? Idk why but I get so down and feel so bad everytime I think about my daughter. I still give her attention and cuddle her but I feel like I hurt her by having another baby and it breaks my heart. When I'm holding/feeding the baby and she comes up to me wanting to be picked up and I have to tell her I can't i just want to ball my eyes out. Will this feeling ever go away? 😭

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I was the same way in the beginning. I still feel bad when I'm not available when he needs me, but luckily he isn't jealous and never gets upset. If you can, get your daughter to help with as much as she can, like grab a diaper for you, a burp cloth, things like that. It helped my son tremendously with feeling like he was helping with his baby sister. I hope it gets easier for ya mama💖
15.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
I only have one... and when I think about if I have another I get to sad and change my mind
15.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
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