In honor of upcoming Mother's Day: ALL ABOUT YOUR FIRST BORN!!! 👰🤴🍼❤😊
1. Epidural? No
2. Father in the room? Yes
3. Induced? No
4. Know the sex beforehand? Yes
5. Due Date? April 7, 2017
6. On time delivery? No..March 21, 2017
7. Morning sickness? Yes
8. Cravings- Spicy foods
9. Pounds gained?20
10. Sex of the baby? Boy.
11. Any complications? No
12. Place you gave birth? Hospital
13. Hours in labor? Not sure
14. Baby's weight? 6lbs 11oz
15. Baby's name? Connor Ryland Eakle
16. How old is your baby today? 7 weeks
Come on mamas! Let's hear your story!!!!