Jazmine Mills
Finn got his 2month shots last Monday, never had a fever or redness where he received the shots. He's been really fussy and needy since he received the shots though is this just him developing or is this because of the vaccines? Poor guy cries if I'm not holding him or he's not sleeping, sometimes briefly let's me set him down in his bouncer or swing. He just seems tired all the time.
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@sabreycastro1996 i'm the same way so mine is hardly fussy. He's only had one fever that was from a cold. Ive seen alot of post of people saying that after babies have shots i know after i get shots that i dont feel good for a few days.

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@sabreycastro1996 i'm the same way so mine is hardly fussy. He's only had one fever that was from a cold. Ive seen alot of post of people saying that after babies have shots i know after i get shots that i dont feel good for a few days.

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It's probably because of the shots. But I don't vaccinate so I'm not positive. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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