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I haven't posted in a long time but I have a question for you ladies! I haven't missed my period yet, it's due in 5 days... but I've been feeling super tired, nauseous, I'm so so hungry all the time and having lower back aches and cramps. I just FEEL pregnant. So I decided to test and I've taken 5 tests. 2 were faint positives and 3 were negatives. I'm so confused and wondering if it's possible that I just had 2 defective tests that gave me false positives? Because I got the negative tests after I got the positive tests. What do you think ladies?

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Thanks everyone! I'm gonna retest in a couple days when my period is actually due.
24.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Yes these are the same tests I used with my daughter and the 2nd line was darker than this but not by much. But I also didn't take 1 with my daughter until a day after my period was due. I'm just confused because I have two that look like this and 3 that are completely negative.. just gonna wait a couple days til my period is due and test again I guess. @raisinglcp_
24.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
@raelynnsmommy, I would wait another day or two and retest. Try to do it first thing in the morning. But I think this test looks positive. Just really light cuz you're so early.
24.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
i had a really faint line show up on a test about a week before my period was due and today im 2 days late and got a darker line so i would wait and see if you miss your perios
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
I think you should wait till you actually missed your period and get a digital test instead
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Id retest with fmu in 2 to 3 days but looks positive
23.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
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