Walking a long distance for about 4 hrs non stop. Thats most likely what caused my early contractions at 6 months because it defintly wasnt dhydration. The sex has to be rough to induce most times. Otherwise id belive the docs would have to do it for you or wait until the babys ready.
As for the pain. I know what your feeling. Ive had some of that pain for 3 days now. Im kinda pent up to. Mostly because i want my husband all the time, but he said the babys really low from what he can feel so hes to scared to have sex right now. Seeing espically as it can induce labor and its still to early. Hes tried pleasuring me but i had to tell him to stop because i cant cum that way. Espically when im pent up lol.
Dont worry bout the pain/pressure though. Your almost due.
@js_kidsmom, thanks .. i tried sex , im starting too hurt a little when i walk .. what could that be ?
16.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Bounce on a yoga ball or corner of the bed, sex, fresh pineapple, walk up hills, stimulate your breast... These might work if baby is ready. Some times you just have to wait. 😕