Lakeiya Murphy
Lakeiya Murphy
Happy Easter Mommies!!🐇🐇 What's your take on counciling for couples who are having a hard time communicating?

Just starting conversation 😁

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I don't agree to couples counseling for ANY situation. To begin with, 'couples counselors' don't have any extra training or experience than any other counselor. They're usually just offering the service to expand their client range. Secondly, couples who go to counseling together have a tendency to be much more blunt with their feelings and emotions, and neglect each other's feelings and points of view, which is critical to mending a hurtful relationship. 1 on 1 counseling with DIFFERENT counselors can be beneficial though. That way the counselor doesn't develop any biases (which does happen) and one person counseling two people for one issue causes WAY too many 'he said she saids'
16.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
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