Jessica Kyla Jubitana
Jessica Kyla Jubitana
I need your advise ladies. I recently find out my husband is cheating on me. I just gave birth to our daughter n this has been very stressful. I feel like 11yrs of my life is now wasted. What I'm I suppose to do now with a new born and my four year old son. I felt betrayed unloved I just don't understand 😓😓😭😢😢

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@kimgonzalez27, I hear you. You are braver than me. I will pray for you.
07.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
@kimgonzalez27, wow that's really messed up. Sorry girl. Wow 😳 I understand now.
07.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
@kimgonzalez27, that's exactly how I feel. And at the same time I hate the feel of my kids not having a daddy around. I was raise without both parents because of divorce and it's devastated. Thank you for giving me your advise and you right. I'm a full time mom wife student and I work full time. He lost his job and been home for a year and I've been doing everything and this is what I get In return. It's ridiculous 😓😭and oh on top of that I was pregnant with his baby. And he was seeing this girl for three months and lie about it. He only admit it because he got caught.
07.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Thanks ladies and I understand each and everyone of you point of view. I'm just so 😢😓😓😭
07.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
Omg I'm so sorry!!! It would depend on circumstances and what's been going on etc. But for me and my situation?? I'd be OUT and highly pissed.. I've learned that finding a way to get ANGRY and DISGUSTED helped me move on in the past.. I had to find reasons to HATE him .. I'm sorry and I hope you find strength to get past this :(
07.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
I'm so sorry this has happened 💔 i would suggest couples counseling before making any decisions. I realize a lot of people aren't into therapy, but I feel like it really helps ❤️ I hope you find a solution.
06.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
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