Ok ladies, i have a weird question. Im 6 weeks pp. I started the mini pill on monday and im nit sure hut i guess i have my period now (light bleeding). Seeing as its so light i just grabed a light tampon. However upon trying to insert it i found that i couldn't really and that my cervix was about a inch to maybe a ince and a half away from my vaginal opening. I will tell you right now ive never ever felt it so low in all my years! Should i be concerned, or is this normal? I know its silly but my head automatically screamed uterin prolaps and im trying to stay calm

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@beebaby Oh i didnt know that. Ive just never felt it so low so i freaked out lol. Been using tampons since i was 10 and always inserted it perfect. Ill keep a eye on it tho. Its a learning moment for me haha
01.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
@beebaby i had a natural birth with both my kids. Its just never been so low that i could feel it without inserting fingers too deep. Theres also a slight bulge above my vaginal opening that i never noticed before
01.04.2017 Нравится Ответить
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