Mommy challenge.
No judgement.
Strictly about us moms and our beliefs.
What's your child's name? Felix Isaiah Valdez
Is your child a boy or girl? Boy
What wipes do you use?
What diapers do you use?
What baby lotion do you use?
Johnson and Johnson shea & cocoa butter & baby aquaphor
What baby wash/shampoo do you use? Johnson and Johnson bedtime
Bite, rip or clip, your baby's finger nails?Clip
Do you exclusively breastfeed?
Nope, similar spit up
Do you vaccinate?
Believe in circumcision?
I personally didn't circumsize my son, i believe if you teach from a young age how to properly clean there won't be a problem. plus i didn't wanna see my baby go through that, he was born with it for a reason, not for it to be cut off just cause.
Co-sleep or seperate?
kinda both, mostly he's in his bassinet though. i worry about sids & accidentally pulling a blanket over him if he's next to me
Whooping or timeout?
Time out
Carry around GermX?
Do you believe in CIO method?
to a certain extent
Do you believe in abortion?
I wouldn't personally get one, but i think a women can make a decision on her own based on her circumstances.
Public school or home school?
Public school
How many children do you have?
How many children do you want?
3 or 4
Age you were when you had your child(ren)?
On birth control?
Right now? yeah , vestura
Stay at home mom or working?
Stay at home mom
Baby wear or stroller?
Are you a single mother?
What do you carry in the diaper bag?
Diapers, wipes, extra pacifier, mini lotion, mini diaper powder, onsie, socks, my wallet and phone, bib , bottles , formula
If you could tell new mother's one thing, what would you say?
Enjoy it. They get big so fast & don't worry about what other moms say. you know what's best for your child & no one can take better care of him/her better than you can. & it's okay to be overwhelmed. it's okay to cry in the middle of the night as you're making a bottle because you're just so damn tired. it's okay to ask for help. & it's okay to accept help if it's offered. you aren't a bad mom for it & it doesn't mean you don't care about your baby as much as you should. don't worry about being a perfect mom , your baby loves you either way. i've definitely learned that.