Alex mcatamney
Alex mcatamney
Has anyone ever had the mirena coil fitted whilst not on or straight after there period? I got mine fitted yesterday morning and had unprotected adult time in the early hours of this morning and just found out that your supposed to wear condoms for the first 7 days since it wasn't on my period, I did an ovulation calculator, the Ines that were spot on when I was trying for my lo, and they said I havnt been fertile for 3 days, is there any point in me getting MAP?

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Id get the map just to be safe or go to the chhemist and ask the pharmasist xx @alexmcatamney
17.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
I've never had the coil but they say protected sex for 7 days for all contraception. I'm on the injection and had sex straight after. I hope this makes you feel better but I've never fallen pregnant xx
17.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
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