So my almost 11m son is a terrible sleeper. All the bad habits, we do them. He still has to be rocked to sleep, naps included, he won't nap on his crib during the day it has to be my arms. If I put him on his crib we will be up 15 min later. At night he doesn't mind the crib but he still won't sleep through the night. He will wake up several times and I end up putting him in bed with me but even then he's such a restless sleeper, tossing and turning. What can I do?

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@mskandice my son cries a lot too but we've had trouble putting him to sleep and I've let him cry it out (I was still rocking him) he finally gave in and fell asleep but once I put him in his crib he started whimpering and then out of nowhere he woke up hardcover crying. It took us about 30 min trying to calm him down. This happened twice, same thing.
10.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
@cassandra.p yeah I've read about that but I'll see how it goes
10.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
Everyone and every baby is different gotta do what u feel comfy with. My son was not a crier so the same method I used on him made my daughter into a cry it out because she just cries a lot anyway.
10.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
You could try the no cry sleep solution first then. But it doesn't work for everyone
10.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
Thanks @mskandice @cassandra.p @skylinrainwater I will definitely find a sleep training method that works for us. I don't really like the cry it out method tbh
10.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
Both @cassandra.p and @skylinrainwater are correct. Sleep training has 2 to 3 core pricipals then u can tweek it. Make sure hes fed, comfy and dry before bed and naps. He has to cry it out just has to. If its nap time like 10 a to 12noon he must be in crib even if hes crying in it bc its nap time.
10.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
Sleep train!!!There are great tools online, most plans work if u stick to them. I got my 4 month old sleep trained at 2 months she also sleeps in her own room, no night lights from 8p to 7a every night. It can take up to 2 weeks to see the change dont give in stick to the plan, he will cry a lot.
10.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
Grab a sleep training book and stick to it. There's 2-3 core ideas out there.
10.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
Try to break him of that habit. Put him down for a nap, in his crib and if he wakes up in 15 minutes then let him cry it out. If you know he's just wanting to be held then there's no need for you to pick him up. He'll probably cry a lot for awhile wanting you to pick him up but don't give in. I would also see about calming music, a nice bath with lavender Johnson's baby soap and lotion, a bottle with some baby rice in it to get him relaxed.
10.02.2017 Нравится Ответить
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