I am an older mom (35 soon) and I had the blues for a week while dealing with Ecclempsia after birth. It does get better but you have to let your doctor know.
@beanieboo, and just remember God gave you this gift of being a mom because he believes you are ready. Trust in Gods decision. Everything happens at the right time. 😊
@beanieboo, I would bring it up to your doctor. I think it is, that's how I was feeling. I didn't bring it up until my son was 7 months. I just burst into tears. They diagnosed me with post-partum depression.
and i dont know it just how it is I feel like id be so happy to have more kids and etc if I waited to have kids till I was older and enjoyed everything better. I just having some trouble with body imgine issues and I didnt even wanna breastfeed and it just clearly shows me I wasnt meant to have kids if I think that way about myself etc :( @fou
I know how you feel, for the most part..I definitely wasn't ready and the situation was the last thing I saw for myself and my child but we're taking it day by day. It's hard and I feel like im missing so much of my "20's" but I really wouldn't have it any other way...I get to love him longer and I've matured so much more than others my age. I'm here if you ever wanna talk or just need someone to listen, hang in there girl 💕
I just think I wasnt ready at all and by not being ready that ruined my experience for me. & cause of all that made me decide to only have one child. @babyjunebug16