Hey I need some advice I'm 36 weeks pregnant and baby very active I've recently been experiencing a lot of leaking when he moving down near my vagina does anyone know what this could be as I'm a first time mum and can't find anything on google about it ? All comments are welcome
@kimberleykaur21 my waters trickled like i was peeing and if i pushed more came out but it wasnt urine it was clear and smelt sweet call your midwife get checked over xx
yes i think it sounds more like your waters, maybe give midwifes a ring and let them no i think theyl ask you to put a pad on and monitor how full it gets in a certain time x
It's a light yellow colour haven't noticed a smell as yet but my mum says that it sounds like my waters slowly breaking but wanted to ask other mums to make sure x
This is the thing when we get further along @kimberleykaur21 cause it can be extra discharge due to baby being heavier, your bladder due to baby putting pressure on it or maybe your waters leaking? does it have a colour or smell to it? x