Mia Miller
Mia Miller
What's next after clomid and trigger shots don't work? I've only did 2 rounds of. Clomid and 1 of the trigger shot. I'm so frustrated and heartbroken:( they took many test and they all have came back normal and nothing is preventing me from getting pregnant but my age (40) they say... I have a 10 year old daughter so I know I can have another child. my husband is 26 And he will not get his sperm tested. We got pregnant twice and it ended in miscarriages:( I'm going to have a serious talk with him and let him know how important it is so we can rule everything out before we start the next step...

I just emailed my doctor this morning letting him know I got a big fat negative on my pregnancy test... I'm a big emotional mess today:(( I know god will bless us but I'm so impatient and frustrated!!

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Did you try any of those? @vamommy89
24.01.2017 Нравится Ответить
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