Anything I can give my 6 month old for what I'm pretty sure is hives ? She's itching sooo bad . It's gotten a bit better since I've taken this picture and I'm keeping an eye on her an will take her in if it spreads or worsens . She's just so itchy an can't stop rubbing it . I've given her a cool bath which seemed to help some .
Nope . Nothing new at all ): we've been doing our normal daily things . She was fine all day , we went to the store around 4 , came home we laid in bed for her to take a nap which was just moments before posting this status. She was out then woke up from itching and then all those bumps appeared. Idk if it was something I ate today or not . I ate a bowl of strawberries with my lunch an I don't normally eat them , but I'm not sure how fast something would take to affect my milk ?
Idk at 5 months she was 20 pounds . So I know she's atleast 20 pounds now if not a few more . @beebaby, but no she hasn't started eating any foods yet . I exclusively breastfeed an that's all she gets . @dylansmom,
I will . I'm not sure what caused it , she was laying down about to nap then started itching like crazy :( I'm going to have her dad pick up some Benadryl. Thank you! @beebaby,